Monday, October 12, 2009


Apparently, my last post is pretty popular with people in Germany. It was linked by, from what I can tell, a German Gorean internet message board, linked here. I'm pretty sure they're making fun of me...which is totally cool! There's really a lot of material out there so if someone can't make fun of me, perhaps they need to stop and take stock of their life.

As I do not understand a lick of German, I have no idea what the thread is about, what it says, or why my last post has something to do with the topic. BUT...I have figured out that "rollenspielwelt" means "roleplayer" in German. And quite frankly, I'd rather be called a rollenspielwelt than a roleplayer any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I also have no idea what "gegenüber" means either, but I'm pretty sure I'd want to be that to. Anything with an umlat is gold to me.

So hello Germans!


  1. Hello Aashe ^^

    As i'm the one who linked you, let me assure you, that there was no fun made of you. You know like every other one...germans and fun...dosn't fit well together at all ;)
    It was a discussion about Slaves an how they should feel and learn and blargh...i threw in the link to show another interesting perspective, because i was really impressed :)

    so Rollenspielwelt yould be roleplay world in english, gegenüber is a synonym to conversion partner and uh...about the discussion, don't worry. You can find tons of thread similar to that in the gorums :)

    So keep up the good work! *thumbs up*


  2. Well, thank you for the link. I guess I don't really want to be a whole roleplay world so maybe I'll just be a Rollenspiel for now and work my way up to Rollenspielwelt.
